Kenn Borek Air
Institut polaire français
Terre Adélie, Antarctique
L’Institut polaire français
Terre Adélie, l'Antarctique
iC3: Centre for ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate
Tromsø, Norway
Beyond Arctic Adventures
Rovaniemi, Finland
Camp Denali
Denali National Park, AK, USA
Camp Denali
Denali National Park, AK, USA
Camp Denali
Denali National Park, AK, USA
Camp Denali
Denali National Park, AK, USA
Kenn Borek Air Antarctica
Have you ever wanted to experience the ‘bottom of the earth’? Join Kenn Borek Air (KBA) as aSeasonal Employee or Contractorin a rotational position for the upcoming Antarctic Season– you tell us what works best for you. Offering 3 and 6 month agreement terms for Seasonal or Contract work; extended rotations available within the agreement terms.
Experience Required on Aircraft Type: DC-3T or DHC-6
Pre-employment Drug and Alcohol screening, resulting in a negative test result, is a condition of employment. Screening is provided at KBA expense and will be conducted, where possible, on the first day of employment.