Engineer (m/f/d) within the field of optics, electronics, physical technique, electro technique | Polar Jobs
8 open Jobs

Alfred-Wegener Institut   Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard

Engineer (m/f/d) within the field of optics, electronics, physical technique, electro technique

Industry & Services
Scandinavia, Svalbard, Iceland
9 months ago
Starting each January 1, Logistics Department of AWI is appointing an Engineer (m/f/d) within the field of optics, electronics, physical technique, or electro technique as a technical staff member and winterer at the joint German-French Arctic station (AWIPEV Research Base) in Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard.

The wintering will take place in one of the most beautiful places of Svalbard in the international research village of Ny-Ålesund where more than 10 nations have established their bases. Ny-Ålesund is equipped with modern infrastructure and corresponding recreation facilities. The AWIPEV Research Base consists of several buildings with modern laboratories, office rooms and living space.

Your tasks will be the execution of long-time measurements in the field of atmospheric, marine, and geophysical sciences, employing optical (spectrometer, multi wave lengths Lidar etc.) and other methods such as micro wave radiometry, in situ measurements with balloon sounding, as well as control and maintenance of the scientific instruments at the base. The measurements are organized in observational programs, like the Atmosphere Observatory, the Under Water Observatory, or the Permafrost Observatory. Furthermore, you will provide general support for scientific projects at AWIPEV Research Base.

You need to be flexible, self-reliant, and a good team worker with high communication skills, who can stand the specific strains of working in an international, lively, but remote Arctic setting.

  • Engineer degree in optics, electronics or similar, and you should have worked with scientific instrumentation
  • Experience to work both independently and in a team
  • Ability to communicate and explain technical issues
  • Standard software skills, basic knowledge on Windows/Unix/networks
  • Fluent proficiency in English
  • Driver’s licence

Further abilities:
  • Experience with long term observation systems is highly appreciated
  • Proficiency in French, German and/or Norwegian will be an advantage
  • Experience of working in an international context will be an advantage
  • Knowledge of polar field safety is highly appreciated
  • Motorboat license, knowledge in first aid
Further Information:
The employment is limited to 24 months. Within this period of time a stay at the polar base for more than 12 months will follow after job training at the AWI. The preparedness to work under Arctic conditions is absolutely mandatory for the employment. During the employment at the AWI there will be a deputation to the Research Unit Potsdam for the period before and after the stay at polar base.

Employment contract and payment comply with the wage and working agreement (TVöD) as applied at AWI. During the stay abroad an extra charge will be paid.

Information about the position can be obtained from Dr. Marion Maturilli (; +49 (0)331-58174-5210).

Please find further information on the joint German-French base under:

As the base is operated jointly with Institut Polaire Français Paul Emil Victor (IPEV) the interview will be in English and a member of the IPEV staff will participate.

This characterizes us

  • our scientific success – excellent research.
  • collaboration and cooperation – intra-institute, national and international, interdisciplinary.
  • opportunities to develop – on the job, aiming at other positions and beyond AWI.
  • a culture of reconciling work and family – audited, and even more than that.
  • our outstanding research infrastructure – ships, stations, aircraft, laboratories and more.
  • an international environment – everyday contacts with people from all over the world.
  • having an influence – fundamental research with social and political relevance
  • flat hierarchies – freedom and responsibility.
  • exciting topics – also in technology, administration and infrastructure.
Equal opportunities are an integral part of our personnel policy and we encourage women to apply.
Disabled applicants will be given preference when equal qualifications are present. The AWI fosters the compatibility of work and family through various means. Because of our engagement in the area of work-life compatibility we have been awarded the certificate “Career and Family”.
We look forward to your application!

Please forward your application before August 15th each year exclusively online.


Alfred-Wegener Institut